Zeta 3,5 years old
She is Merigal's Zeta Molema Mua Roo. Her sire is RBIS ECh. PortCh. MorCh. GbzCh. Gbz JCh. Molema Mua Rôo Dragonheart
and her dam IntCh. ECh. GbzCh. GbzJCh. Merigal's Witch Wonder.
She has arrived from Switzerland from the well known kennel Merigal. Zeta adds to my breeding plans the name Merigal from my beloved friend Elizabeth. She has been breeding for 30 years and is a good example to follow, quality and not quantity. We met in the European Dog Show in 2004 (you can go to Events and see the results...) there Vulcan (Ozrhode Dia Hot Prospect) and Phalana (Merigal's Phalana) were RCACIB, winning the title of Vice-Champions of Europe 2004 (title which is not recognised but that people is using a lot). Elizabeth did some litters between Phalana and Vulcan, where she had very nice puppies (Ch.Merigal's Runako Tsavo, Merigal's Towas, Merigal's Raffles, Merigal's Tamasha, Ch.Merigal's Tandiwe, Merigal's Taji Namib...).
Phalana was really special as well as it was Vulcan, those between a million. Both had a nice temperament, morphology and good as reproductors that sparkle between the crowd. I am really happy to have both on them on Zeta's pedigree.
And something really funny is that when Internet started and I used to visit websites about the breed I fell in love with a little bitch, she had a lovely expression, she was Merigal's Jinja. Incredibly she is also in Zeta's pedigree.

Zeta 3,5 years old

Zeta 3,5 years old and Draco 8 years old (Father and daughter)

Zeta 17 months old

Zeta 19 months old

Zeta 19 months old

Zeta 5 weeks

Zeta 2,5 months

Zeta (2,5 months) in Grimaud when I went to pick her
Zeta (2,5 months) in Grimaud when I went to pick her

Zeta with Tandi (her grandmother) and Shombay

Zeta and her mother Witch

Zeta at home
Zeta 3 months

Zeta, Loa and Odile
Odile with the little puppies
Zeta, Odile and Loa
Zeta with her aunt Cala (Molema Mua Rôo Claretta)
Zeta, Loa and Cala.
Zeta 4 months
Zeta 4 months

Ridge keeps in the family (Gala, Draco, Zeta - Grandmother and father of Zeta)