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BIS RBIS Int.Ch. Port.Ch. Gbz.Ch. E.Ch. Cat.Ch. JCat.Ch.
Ozrhode Dia Hot Prospect (Imp. Australia) TAN

21 December 2000 - 21 August 2011
ED Free

Recommended Stud Dog by RRCF
Frozen semen available

Pedigree Shows Puppies

Vulcan trote


He is my special boy, he comes from Australia, and he is the first one living in Spain. His name is BIS RBIS Int.Ch. Port.Ch. Gbz.Ch. E.Ch Cat.Ch. JCat.Ch.Ozrhode Dia Hot Prospect, but at home I call him Vulcan. His sire is the famous Australian male BIS/BISS Aust.Ch. Caprivi Inside Edge CDX ADM JDX ET ROM (Caprivi Kennel), who is the sire of 19 champions, and his dam is the beautiful Aust.Ch. Ozrhode Ari Nala.  

Many thanks to his breeders, Sue and Steve from Ozrhode Kennel. Thanks for sending me and entrusting me with such a superb dog.

He is an outstanding male, he has a lovely temperament and he also has a stunning conformation. He has good angulations in front and rear, good depth of chest, lovely head and a free and active gait which makes him very elegant.

Vulcan introduces one of the best Australian lines in Europe, and of course in Spain. I'm so proud of being the owner of Vulcan, one of the best Rhodesian in Spain.

He had a nice 2001, he obtained his Catalonian Youth Championship Title.

The year 2002, another great year, the most outstanding results are:

Spanish Championship Title

Catalonian Championship Title

Multiples Best of Breed
Multiples Best in Group
BIS - 3
Achievement of the Obligatory Point of Madrid in his first ring outing competing for the CAC and BOB.
Qualified for Crufts 2003.

3th Intermediate Class in the World Winner Dog Show

The year 2003, another year with outstanding results in the spanish showrings:

Multiples Best of Breed
Multiples Best in Group
Second year in a row, he has obtained the BOB in Madrid, this time with a breed record entry for Spain, 25 RR entries.

Qualified for Crufts 2004

Catalonian Championship Title 2003

He has done a TV commercial for the registered mark of dog food AFFINITY

The summary for the year 2004, (and we haven't finished it) it's another great year:

Multiples Best of Breed
Multiples Best in Group
Reserve BIS
Vice-European Winner 2004 (Excellent 1st at Champion Class, RCACIB) at the European Dog Show - Barcelona 2004
BIS of Champions (France)
RCAC National D'elevage RR Club France
RCAC Special Show RR Club France

Gibraltar Championship
Catalonian Championship Title 2004


During 2005 we are going to take it easy, but Vulcan results are:

RCAC Special Show RR Club France
Achievement of the Obligatory Point of Lisboa (Portugal) - CAC-QC
Qualified for Crufts 2006
CCC Specialty of the RR Club Portugal - Best Champion Male - 3rd Best Male

International Championship Title

TAN of the Rhodesian Ridgeback Club de France - RECOMMENDED STUD DOG

In 2006 we want to underline the following results:

Achievement of the Obligatory Point of Oporto (Portugal) - CAC-QC

Portugal Championship Title

Appears in the TV3 programme, El Club.

In 2007, he has attended just one show, but what results!!:

Excelent 1, Best Champion Opposite Sex in the National D'elevage RR Club France
Excelent 1, CACIB, BOS in the Special Show RR Club France


Vulcan has stayed at home during some years, but in 2009 I thought it was time for show him in the veteran class. He has shown in the veteran class how a stunning Ridgeback can be at 9 years, he has achieved excellent results, I am very proud of him.

BISS Veteran in the French Specialty at Douai

2 BIS Veterans

RBIS Veteran in the Int. Show of Badajoz (Manadatoty Point)

RBIS Veteran in Douai Int. Show (France) with more than 15 veterans in ring.

2nd Best Veteran in the World Dog Show of Bratislava

BISS Veteran (RRCF) Specialty

2010- He has attended the Int. Show of Granada (Mandatory Point 2010) in the veteran class. He has made history with his win from the veteran class, he has ended BOB!!!

Vulcan BOB at Granada Mandatory Point

Vulcan 12 months

Vulcan in the beach

Vulcan 3 years in the forest

Vulcan's nice ridge

Vulcan 5 years

Sue and Steve visit to Spain

Vulcan 6 years

Vulcan 6 years

Vulcan 7 years

Vulcan 9 years

Fantastic ridges. From left to right Vulcan, Gala and Draco



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